Next start date is May 5, 2025. APPLY NOW or REQUEST INFO for College of Professional Studies!
Welcome to the College of Professional Studies!
Programs designed to fit your needs while equipping you to advance your career and grow stronger
Through the College of Professional Studies, Carson-Newman University offers innovative and transformational programs that are designed to equip you for a meaningful career, strong faith, and thriving life. Whether you are working to complete your first degree or seeking an advanced degree, we offer programs in a variety of formats—fully online, a mix of face-to-face and online, fully online with immersive, in-person experiences, and fully in-person. Regardless of the program, we offer a mix of innovative learning methods & transformational learning experiences—along with encouragement from support staff and one-on-one relationships with faculty—that will ensure your success. With the College of Professional Studies, you can complete a degree at C-N, in whatever format best fits your needs, that will help you reach your full potential and equip you to not only advance in your career but also empower you for a holistic, thriving life.
Business Administration (BBA)
Professional Studies (BPS)
Computer Science (BSCS)
Marketing (BSM)
Accounting (BSA)
Elementary Education (Non-Licensure)
Exercise Science
Special Education (Non-Licensure)
Hospitality & Tourism
Homeland Security & Emergency Management
WHy choose cps?
Affordable Christian Academic Excellence
At both the graduate and undergraduate level, Carson-Newman offers one of the most affordable & competitive tuition rates in the country! Check out your program of interest and see for yourself how affordable a C-N transformational learning experience can be.
Flexible and Convenient Programs
With a variety of flexible formats—including fully online—we have designed degrees and programs that fit your life needs. Many of our programs allow students to focus on just 1 or 2 two subject areas within accelerated 7.5 week courses.
Career and Time Balance
While accelerated programs can be challenging, we also believe in balancing life with career and educational pursuits. That’s why all our programs practice what we preach about balanced and thriving lives! Our degree program schedules factor in time for rest, breaks, and family over the course of the academic year.
Speed to Completion
Even with time for life built into our programs, you can still complete the majority of our programs in approximately 2 years or less! Without sacrificing an ounce of academic quality or excellence, we have actually designed pathways for the majority of our graduate and undergraduate programs to be completed in 2 years.
Minimize Prior Credit and Learning
Whether you are starting fresh or transferring credits from another degree, program, or institution, you can gain advanced standing in programs through your prior learning experience, which will save you time and money as you pursue your learning and career goals.
Community of Support
As you pursue your career and educational goals, we offer a wealth of university resources that are dedicated to helping you reach your full potential.