

Counseling Services offers a quiet and confidential place for you to talk through anything that may be on your mind. Some benefits of counseling include:

• Learning to manage stress

• Learning to decrease anxiety

• Learning to manage time

• Learning to manage mood

• Learning to balance school, work, and/or extracurricular activities

• Learning to handle relationships (from roommates to romantic ones)

• Learning new study/test taking skills

• Navigating your faith journey

If you are interested in counseling you may schedule an appointment by phone (865-471-3350), email ( or in person (at the Kathleen Manley Building).


*Forms may not open a new window, check the top right of your browser for the download.


If you are seeking accommodations on campus, please visit the Office of Disabilities page or email David Humphrey at


All student appointments, personal information, and files are confidential. Information you supply cannot be shared with others without your prior written consent. However, under the below circumstances your counselor may be required by law to release information:

1. To protect you or others from imminent serious harm. .

2. If there is a suspicion of child, elder or animal abuse or neglect.

3. Or otherwise required by law.

Educational Programs and Presentation Requests

In efforts to improve the overall wellness of our campus community, Counseling offers mental health and wellness outreach presentations to C-N students, faculty, and staff. At your request, Counseling Services will facilitate a presentation in person or virtually to your resident hall, class, athletic teams, student organization, university department, or office that serves C-N students. 

Don’t Cancel Your Class

If you are a professor having to cancel a class session, we encourage you request a Counseling Services presentation in place of your absence to allow students to learn of our services along with various wellness tips.

Question, Persuade & Refer

As part of our campus suicide prevention efforts, Counseling Services offers a QPR “Question, Persuade, and Refer” training for interested groups. QPR is a suicide prevention program designed to educate participants on warning signs of suicide, how to ask about suicide, how to persuade someone to get help, and how to refer to appropriate resources. This suicide education and prevention program is offered on a regular basis to students, faculty, and groups. To inquire a QPR request, please fill out the presentation request form here.

Online and Distant Learners

In efforts to support our off campus learners, Counseling Services offers a Virtual Relaxation Room with interactive tools to promote relaxation and stress management, as well as Tips in Success for Online Learners.